
Distribution Coolroom & Freezer

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On a partial green-fields site, Kubale Constructions began work on Fonterra’s new distribution cool room and freezer facility in Cobden. Specifically for the Western Star Butter lines, the building is constructed of structural steel, tilt slab and cool room panelling on a concrete slab.

The scope of works included the installation of all refrigeration plant and equipment including heavy transport bays and dock levellers. Works also included earthworks to raise the slab above the existing levels, roadside curbing, foot paths and basic landscaping around the building. Hydronic refrigerated lines were laid throughout the extensive slab as part of the cool room function. In total, the site measured approximately 1500m2. The timeline was very tight, and the site and surrounding areas needed to remain operational which included significant traffic management.

This project was successfully completed on time and within budget.

Construction Techniques Employed
  • Hydraunic refrigeration in a large slab
  • Tight timeframe in an complex and operational site
  • Structural steel, tilt slab and coolroom panelling

"Thank you for your excellent problem solving skills and advocacy for us during the build. Thank you especially for your negotiations with the authorities and engineer on our behalf. What would usually takes weeks or month, you achieved in days or hours."

Private Developer

"I would highly recommend Kubale Constructions for any large or technical building project. Their experience, professionalism and communication make working with and managing their contract simple and frustration free.”

Senior Project Engineer
, Baw Baw Shire

"I am writing to provide positive feedback for the workmanship and the professional work you and your team are doing on site. Specifically, you’ve done an excellent job in Morwell and the engineers have no comments or concerns for the slab works."

Name withheld – project in progress
Superintendent Representative

"We keep choosing Kubale for our projects because they take ownership of challenges as they arise. We're growing with them, and their culture of honesty is rare, and a relief in this game."

Industrial Maintenance Client
, Fonterra