
Paediatrics Clinic and Training Facility

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The West Gippsland Regional Hospital chose Kubale Constructions to extend and refurbish their existing Paediatrics Department facilities at their site in Warragul, Victoria. Works included the consulting suites and the internal fit-out and renovation of the Monash University Medical Training facility to a total value of $600k.

While the construction methods were conventional, the project was challenging because the building being renovated was in continual use. Construction staff needed to pay particular attention to noise, safety, access, and the presentation of the site.

This project was successfully completed on time and within budget.

Construction Techniques Employed
  • Operational site with safety complexities
  • Construction completed with minimal noise
  • Largely conventional techniques

"On behalf of the President and Members of the Lions Club of Warragul, I would like to thank you for your assistance and professional support during the construction of our new facilities. Your expertise and advice was most valuable."

Jeff Tolley
Secretary, Lions Club

"I am writing to provide positive feedback for the workmanship and the professional work you and your team are doing on site. Specifically, you’ve done an excellent job in Morwell and the engineers have no comments or concerns for the slab works."

Name withheld – project in progress
Superintendent Representative

"Dear Kubale Constructions, we want to say thanks for everything you’ve done over the past year. We are thrilled with the end product which is a credit to you and your crew. If anyone is ever after a reference, please give them my number!"

Private Client

"Thank you for your excellent problem solving skills and advocacy for us during the build. Thank you especially for your negotiations with the authorities and engineer on our behalf. What would usually takes weeks or month, you achieved in days or hours."

Private Developer
, West Gippsland Regional Hospital